Sharing mustache/nustache templates between server and client. ASP.NET MVC Sharing mustache/nustache templates between server and client. ASP.NET MVC ajax ajax

Sharing mustache/nustache templates between server and client. ASP.NET MVC

Well, I`ve made something, that works, maybe somebody will come up with better solution. Here it is:

Extenstion for @Html helper:

public static class ViewExtensions{    public static IHtmlString RenderRawContent(this HtmlHelper helper, string serverPath)    {        string filePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(serverPath);        //load from file        StreamReader streamReader = File.OpenText(filePath);        string markup = streamReader.ReadToEnd();        streamReader.Close();        return new HtmlString(markup);    }}

And in Razor main view for Index page

@using MyProject.Helpers;<script type="text/template" id="person_template">    @Html.RenderRawContent("~/Templates/Person.mustache")</script>

You'll likely want to expose a new controller that can return your partial view content. E.g.:

public class TemplateController : Controller{  public PartialViewResult Get(string name)  {    return PartialView(name);  }}

With that, and a route:

routes.MapRoute("Templates", "templates/{name}",  new { controller = "Template", action = "Get" });

I can then call from the client (in this example I am using jQuery):

var model = { name: "Matt" };$.ajax({  url: "/templates/person",  success: function(r) {    var html = Mustache.render(r, model);    $("body").append(html);  }});

Name the file Person.mustache.cshtml, and in Index.cshtml:

<script type="text/template" id="person_template">    @Html.Partial("Person.mustache")<script type="text/template" id="person_template">

There's no need to write a helper to serve a file when the framework does that for you.