show loading before showing send result in jquery show loading before showing send result in jquery ajax ajax

show loading before showing send result in jquery

you can do this by ajaxStart() and ajaxComplete()

$("#loading").ajaxStart(function(){   $(this).show(); });$("#loading").ajaxComplete(function(){   $(this).hide(); });


$.ajax({   url : dle_root + 'engine/ajax/fast.php',   data: { text: response, action: action },   beforeSend: function(){     $("#loading").show();   },   complete: function(){     $("#loading").hide();   },   success:  function (data) {        if (data == 'ok') {            DLEalert(dle_p_send_ok, dle_info);        }        else { DLEalert(data, dle_info); }    }); });

$('#button').click(function(){    $('#loading-div').html('<img src="..." />');    $.ajax({       type: 'POST',       url: '...',       data: {...},       success: function(response) {          $('#loading-div').html('');       }    });});

In case if you have button with id="button", and some <div id="loading-div"></div> in which you can display image

you can use $.ajax() instead of $.post(), and add a beforeSend function