for checking updates from database for checking updates from database ajax ajax for checking updates from database

If you don't want to do any polling on the database you can use the postgresql database which support listen/notify. You will be notified immediately when there is a modification on the table.

You can run your code in timer's event handler on server.

The code below checks database for new message for every 5 seconds and emits event if necessary

io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {  socket.emit('greeting', 'Hello');  setInterval(5000,function(data){  var uid = data['uid'];  var q = "SELECT * FROM messages WHERE user_id="+uid+" ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1";  connection.query(q, function(err, rows, fields) {      if (err) throw err;      if (rows[0].id > prev_id){        socket.emit('new_message',rows[0]);        prev_id = rows[0].id      }    });  });});

As alternative way I think you could implement message queueing using redis with the fast node_redis client. It has built-in pubsub semantics.

Look at Redis. It is fast NoSQL key-value storage which you can use to organize fast message queueing. Use node_redis npm module to communicate with it. Read this reference