Understanding jQuery AJAX events - success and ajaxSuccess Understanding jQuery AJAX events - success and ajaxSuccess ajax ajax

Understanding jQuery AJAX events - success and ajaxSuccess

you can use global events as such:

$.ajaxSuccess(function(){//do my global thing here});

as the global event will fire for every ajax call success, not just the one.

but the

success: function(){/* do local here */});

ONLY fires within the local ajax call function as a private object of that.

Note the

$.ajaxComplete(function(){ });

might be what you are after as it fires on the complete - with or without an error.

EDIT: Special note of the local success: in ajaxSetup global: (this is NOT recommended and you should use the $.ajaxSuccess)

$.ajaxSetup({    success: function() {       // local within the ajaxSetup    }});

Now, why would we use one over the other? Perhaps you need special filtering of the object returned:

$(selector1).ajax({    success: function(data){        processMySelector1JSON(data);    }});$(selectorOther).ajax({    success: function(data){        processMySelectorOtherJSON(data);    }});$.ajaxSuccess(function(){  $('#message').text('Ajax Done!').fadeIn(function(){$(this).fadeOut();});});

success: function() is better since this event is only called if the request was successful. It checks errors from the server and, errors with the data makes it the better one.