using slick upload with mvc 2 and jquery / ajax using slick upload with mvc 2 and jquery / ajax ajax ajax

using slick upload with mvc 2 and jquery / ajax

After working with Patrica, this issue has been solved. We ran into a couple more snags, but the basics are as follows:

The main thing at work here is a limitation in SlickUpload's design: you can't remove a SlickUpload control from the DOM once it's been added and then readd it again later. This will be solved in SlickUpload6, but is unfortunately a limitation with the current version. To solve this, we hid the control when the tab or dialog was invisible, instead of actually removing it.

There is also a SlickUpload minor version release (5.5.9) that adds a get_UploadId() method, to make getting the upload id for the current upload easier.

This code (from above):

kw_uploadId: document.getElementById("kw_uploadId").value,


kw_uploadId: theThing.get_UploadId(),

You can get the latest version here: SlickUpload 5.5.9

I hate iframes, but I think that is the easiest route to go here.

Alternatively, you could use jQuery form plugin

$('#YOURFORM').ajaxForm({target:'#YOURFORM'}); //replace form with result HTML

Well, It was actually much simpler then i expected. here's what I've got and it works:

 function v2SetUpPhotoDialog() {        theThing = kw.get("<%=SlickUpload1.ClientID %>");        theThing.add_OnUploadEnded(function (data) {            var data = {                kw_uploadId: document.getElementById("kw_uploadId").value,                kw_uploadExecution: (data.isSuccessful ? "Attempted" : "Cancelled"),                id: $('#Id').val()            };            $.ajax({                type: 'POST',                url: urlToPost,                data: data,                success: function (result) {                    alert(result.Message);                },                error: function () {                    v2RegularNotice('fail');                }            });        });        $('#uploadButton').live('click', function () {            theThing = kw.get("<%=SlickUpload1.ClientID %>");            v2RegularNotice('click me');            theThing.submit();        });    }

this combined with the custom model binder found here:

lets you have a controller action like this:

public function ChangePhoto(byval status as UploadStatus, byval id as integer) as actionresult

and status is properly populated.

so basically, it just needed to have:

kw_uploadExecution: (data.isSuccessful ? "Attempted" : "Cancelled"),

that part added.

support thread can be found here: