adb connection over tcp not working now adb connection over tcp not working now android android

adb connection over tcp not working now

This answer is late, but hopefully it helps others.

I have had the same experience of not being able to connect. Rebooting phone and PC does not help. I found the fix at: at the bottom of the page.

Basically you follow these steps:

  1. Connect phone with usb cable to PC.
  2. Issue command: adb usb
  3. Issue command: adb tcpip 5555
  4. Issue command: adb connect

Where is your phone's IP address.

Try to do port forwarding,

adb forward tcp:<PC port> tcp:<device port>.


adb forward tcp:5555 tcp:5555.

sounds like 5555 port is captured so use other one. As I know 7612 is empty


C:\Users\m>adb forward tcp:7612 tcp:7612C:\Users\m>adb tcpip 7612restarting in TCP mode port: 7612C:\Users\m>adb connect to

Be sure that you connect to the right IP address. (You can download Network Info 2 to check your IP)

Step 1 . Go to Androidsdk\platform-tools on PC/Laptop

Step 2 :

Connect your device via USB and run:

adb kill-server

then run

adb tcpip 5555

you will see below message...

daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * daemon started successfully * restarting in TCP mode port: 5555


Now open new CMD window,

Go to Androidsdk\platform-tools

Now run

adb connect xx.xx.xx.xx:5555 (xx.xx.xx.xx is device IP)

Step4: Disconnect your device from USB and it will work as if connected from your Android studio.