adb.exe start server failed android studio adb.exe start server failed android studio android android

adb.exe start server failed android studio

Are you using Genymotion? When using Genymotion, try setting the Genymotion config to use the same Android SDK that uses Android Studio.

Anyway, if you aren't using Genymotion, check if you are using two different SDK.

Be sure to set anything that uses Android SDK, to the same SDK path.

Another process is already listening to this port.

You should close him.

Follow these steps:

  1. write the following command:

    netstat -ano | findstr 5037

  2. Then take the PID

  3. Find it in the taskmgr and close it.

  4. Try to install again.

Can change adb port and start.

adb -P 5038 start-server