Add local javadoc to local aar in Android-Studio Add local javadoc to local aar in Android-Studio android android

Add local javadoc to local aar in Android-Studio

It is possible now to attach locale javadocs to an aar in Android-Studio, there are still problems though.

This works with Android-Studio 1.3.2 and Android-Gradle-Plugin 1.3 and Gradle 2.5.

In the Project view -> select "Project" viewing style -> Expand "External Libraries" and right click on the desired library -> select "Library Properties..."

Image that shows how to find the "Library Properties"

(The image just shows where to find the "Library Properties", i know that this is not necessary for appcompat)

In the upcoming dialog click the + Symbol and point to the location where the unpacked javadocs are stored.

The settings does currently not survive a gradle project sync.


there is a workaround, you can install your aar and source codes to local maven repo and import it from there.