Adding external library in Android studio Adding external library in Android studio android android

Adding external library in Android studio

Try one of these approaches:

Approach 1)

1- Choose project view

enter image description here

2- Copy your JAR file in app -> lib folder

enter image description here

3- Right click on your JAR file and choose add as library

enter image description hereenter image description here

4- Check it in build.gradle

enter image description here

Approach 2)

1- File -> New -> New Module

enter image description here

2- Import .JAR/.AAR Package

enter image description here

3- Browse your JAR File

enter image description here

4- Finish

5- File -> Project Structure -> Dependencies

enter image description here

6- You should click on + button and then click on Module Dependency

enter image description here

7- You will see your library here

enter image description here

8- choose your library and click ok

enter image description here

9- Then, you will see that your library is added.

enter image description here

For first two approaches, you need a JAR file. You can search to find JAR files that are related to Android. For example, this is the search result for jdom in this link

Search result for jdom

Approach 3) Android is using as remote library. For example, this is the search result for jdom in the link.

jcenter jdom

To add a library in this approach, please follow these steps:

1- File -> Project Structure -> Dependencies

enter image description here

2- Click on + button and choose library dependency

enter image description hereenter image description here

3- find your library and select it, then click OK.

I hope it helps.

Try this:

File > Project Structure > Dependencies Tab > Add module dependency (scope = compile)

Where the module dependency is the project library Android folder.

To reference an external lib project without copy, just do this:- Insert this 2 lines on setting.gradle:

  include ':your-lib-name'  project(':your-lib-name').projectDir = new File('/path-to-your-lib/your-lib-name)

Insert this line on on dependencies part of build.gradle file:

compile project(':your-lib-name')

Sync project