Alternative to dex2jar and jd-GUI? [closed] Alternative to dex2jar and jd-GUI? [closed] android android

Alternative to dex2jar and jd-GUI? [closed]

Actually the best alternative that I have tested is JEB Decompiler that works directly on Dalvik bytecode to generate the sources without conversion in Java bytecode(that is the main source of errors in decompilation procedure), but unfortunately is a commercial software a bit expensive for an individual.

Alternatively try Kivlad , but note that requires Ruby runtime 1.x to run, and is still an alpha release in development

Virtuous Ten Studio (VTS) is another nice tool that uses APKtool as engine, the quality of java src result is inferior to JEB and comparable to dex2jar + java decompiler, but the environment is very comfortable. (Has a donate license but works for free)