Analytics dispatcher and configuration management for custom usage Analytics dispatcher and configuration management for custom usage android android

Analytics dispatcher and configuration management for custom usage

you can do like this

// Set the dispatch period in seconds.GoogleAnalytics.getInstance(this).setLocalDispatchPeriod(30); 

and also Google has introduced Firebase analytics google now recommends developer to use firebase refer:

If I understand correctly, you need to send extra events and perform custom post-processing on those events.

You could use something like PIWIK to track your custom events locally. Then you'd need to write a glue between your server and PIWIK (or write the functionality you desire as a PIWIK module).

Alternatively, you could sent events to Mixpanel and export them periodically to your server (e.g. in a cronjob). Then, your server can do whatever post-processing it needs to do.

As a side note, when I was experimenting with Google Analytics and Mixpanel, I wrote an (opinionated) analytics wrapper with specific methods (e.g. sendError(...), sendTimeDelta(...)).