Android: alternate layout xml for landscape mode Android: alternate layout xml for landscape mode android android

Android: alternate layout xml for landscape mode

By default, the layouts in /res/layout are applied to both portrait and landscape.

If you have for example


you can add a new folder /res/layout-land, copy main.xml into it and make the needed adjustments.


See also and for some more options.

In the current version of Android Studio (v1.0.2) you can simply add a landscape layout by clicking on the button in the visual editor shown in the screenshot below. Select "Create Landscape Variation"

Android Studio add landscape layout

The layouts in /res/layout are applied to both portrait and landscape, unless you specify otherwise. Let’s assume we have /res/layout/home.xml for our homepage and we want it to look differently in the 2 layout types.

  1. create folder /res/layout-land (here you will keep your landscape adjusted layouts)
  2. copy home.xml there
  3. make necessary changes to it
