Android API 21 Toolbar Padding Android API 21 Toolbar Padding android android

Android API 21 Toolbar Padding

The left inset is caused by Toolbar's contentInsetStart which by default is 16dp.

Change this to 72dp to align to the keyline.

Update for support library v24.0.0:

To match the Material Design spec there's an additional attribute contentInsetStartWithNavigation which by default is 16dp. Change this if you also have a navigation icon.

Above answer is correct but there is still one thing that might create issues (At least it did create an issue for me)

I used the following and it doesn't work properly on older devices -


The trick is here just use the following -


and get rid of -


And now it should work fine throughout all the devices.

Hope it helps.

Simpley add this two line in toolbar. Then we get new removed left side space bcoz by default it 16dp.
