Android app is published, but not visible anywhere in Google Play Android app is published, but not visible anywhere in Google Play android android

Android app is published, but not visible anywhere in Google Play

Just try it on your browser setting the link:  

even if it's not indexed in the search, if it's published you will find it, if not, somethings wrong then

I ran into this problem (or a similar one). I submitted my app on the internal test track and soon after, in the Google play Console, it said my app is Published and provided a link to go to Google Play Store to download the app. However, when I clicked the link, it would tell me the requested URL could not be found. I also could not find the app in the Google Play Store by searching for it.

The solution:

Apparently, I had to add myself to the testers group and more importantly - opt in. I found the opt-in link in Google play Console:

  1. On the left, click "Release Management"
  2. "App releases"
  3. Go to the version you have uploaded and click "MANAGE".
  4. Click on "Manage testers". There, you will find an opt-in URL.

Try searching with exact name in double quotes ""

like for eg: "ZipDrive"