Android app privacy policy [closed] Android app privacy policy [closed] android android

Android app privacy policy [closed]

Yoy may take privacy policy of any app in Google Play and convert it to fit your needs.

These off-topic questions tend to be closed after a while, let's try to get your questions answered anyway:

First I would advise you to read some general guidance on the topic, like the one presented by the Attorney General of California called Privacy on the Go. When you're knowledgeable about the topic you might as well try privacy policy generators and see whether they suit your particular case.

I'm part of iubenda, a team with a mix developers/designers/lawyers who are building tools exactly for this use case: apps and websites. You can find the generator for mobile apps here. iubenda's mobile privacy policy is on a paid only plan currently, but you can always test drive the generator for your website's policy.

Now as a general caveat let me advise against copying off of other sites or apps (as suggested by the answer before me). You may infringe copyright and import several other problems. Who tells you that the pp/terms you decided to be fit for copy aren't fundamentally flawed themselves?

Today there's great guidance out there, and great help like the one provided by iubenda. Take advantage of it!

edit regarding the comment pointing out that iubenda is paid: that's right and I've added a sentence regarding this to the answer. One of the advantages of a paid policy is that you get to ask questions and request improvements any time :)