Android: can you have a ripple effect whose default state color is transparent? Android: can you have a ripple effect whose default state color is transparent? android android

Android: can you have a ripple effect whose default state color is transparent?

It's necessary to add a mask:

<ripple xmlns:android=""    android:color="?android:colorControlHighlight">     <item android:id="@android:id/mask">       <color android:color="@android:color/white" />     </item></ripple>

Somehow, the @JMPergar 's answer didn't work for me.

However, I was able to think of this workaround: if a colour behind your transparent button is solid (not a gradient or a speckled picture) - you can use that color as a main button's unpressed one.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><ripple xmlns:android=""        android:color="@color/profile_transparent_button_pressed"        >    <item>        <shape>            <corners android:radius="@dimen/profile_transparent_button_corner_radius" />            <solid android:color="@color/profile_background" />        </shape>    </item></ripple>

where @color/profile_transparent_button_pressed is a colour to highlight a button, and @color/profile_background - the colour of a layout behind this button. It works exactly as expected, but still definitely is a workaround so you go try @JMPergar 's answer first.