Android ConstraintLayout - Put one view on top of another view Android ConstraintLayout - Put one view on top of another view android android

Android ConstraintLayout - Put one view on top of another view

Set an elevation on the ProgressBar; 2dp seems to work.


You could also try setting translationZ as suggested in the accepted answer to a similar question.

I also came across this answer as an alternative.

We need to use android:elevation to control this.


This elevation attribute only work in API level >= 21. But In below that it will behave normally. If we add Progress below the Button view it show the view which is in the bottom at the top of the other view.

You can simply define the view which you want on top after the one which should appear below it.

With buttons, note that their elevation is governed by their stateListAnimator. The stateListAnimator of Widget.MaterialComponents.Button has a default elevation of @dimen/mtrl_btn_elevation (2dp). So if you want to show a view on top of a Button, it should have an elevation of at least 2dp.