Android Custom marker icon Android Custom marker icon android android

Android Custom marker icon

With the new Maps Api Setting the Icon for a Marker is done with the following Code:

MarkerOptions markerOptions = new MarkerOptions().icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource(R.drawable.icon_location));

The icon can not be changed after a Marker was created. To change an icon remove the marker and readd it with a new image.

with the APi v2, you can do (markerObject).setIcon(BitmapDescriptor) to change/set the marker image.

OverlayItem.setMarker seems like the method you're looking for.

Note that there is (or used to be) a gotcha you need to be aware of; you first need to use Drawable.setBounds to set the visible boundaries of the drawable before it can be rendered properly. Some fiddling might be needed to get it to centre; see this answer.