Android Data Binding using include tag Android Data Binding using include tag android android

Android Data Binding using include tag

The problem is that the included layout isn't being thought of as a data-bound layout. To make it act as one, you need to pass a variable:


<layout xmlns:andr...>  <data>    <variable name="foo" type="int"/>  </data>  <Button    android:id="@+id/button"    ...." />


<layout xmlns:andr......   <include layout="@layout/buttons"            android:id="@+id/buttons"            app:foo="@{1}"/>....

Then you can access buttons indirectly through the buttons field:

MainBinding binding = MainBinding.inflate(getLayoutInflater());binding.buttons.button

As of 1.0-rc4 (just released), you no longer need the variable. You can simplify it to:


<layout xmlns:andr...>  <Button    android:id="@+id/button"    ...." />


<layout xmlns:andr......   <include layout="@layout/buttons"            android:id="@+id/buttons"/>....

Easy Complete Example

Just set id to included layout, and use binding.includedLayout.anyView.

This example helps passing a value to <include & accessing included views in code.

Step 1

You have layout_common.xml, want to pass String to included layout.

You will create String variable in layout and refer this String to TextView.

<data>    // declare fields    <variable        name="passedText"        type="String"/></data><TextView    android:id="@+id/textView"    ...    android:text="@{passedText}"/> //set field to your view.

Step 2

Include this layout to parent layout. Give an id to included layout, so that we can use that in binding class. Now you can pass String passedText to your <include tag.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><layout    xmlns:android=""    xmlns:app="">    <LinearLayout        ..        >        <include            android:id="@+id/includedLayout"            layout="@layout/layout_common"            app:passedText="@{@string/app_name}" // here we pass any String             />    </LinearLayout></layout>
  • You can use now binding.includedLayout.textView in your class.
  • You can pass any variables to included layout like above.

    ActivityMainBinding binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.activity_main);binding.includedLayout.textView.setText("text");

Note Both layouts (parent & included) should be binding layout, wrapped with <layout

just set an id for your include layout

    <include        android:id="@+id/layout"        layout="@layout/buttons" />


BUTTONSBINDING binding = yourMainBinding.layout;

BUTTONSBINDING is res/layout/buttons.xml

now :
