Android Dropdown (Select) CSS Android Dropdown (Select) CSS android android

Android Dropdown (Select) CSS

Another option you can use (tested on galaxy S running android version 2.1-update1):

select {    -webkit-appearance: listbox;}select, input {    width: 100%;    height: 40px;    line-height:40px;    border: 1px solid #999;    border-radius: 6px;    margin-bottom:10px;}

This way the inputs and selects all look the same, clicking the select will open the options menu as usual.

This seems to be a browser bug. You can also reproduce it when you set your browser's text size to 'huge' (in settings). I added a new issue and suggest a workaround with a custom background image for now:

<select style="background: url('big-select-bg.png')"/>

try this one:

select{    -webkit-appearance: menulist-text;}