Android ExoPlayer onProgressChanged Android ExoPlayer onProgressChanged android android

Android ExoPlayer onProgressChanged

I know this question is very old. But, I landed on this while implementing ExoPlayer. This is to help the others who do the same later on:)

So, I have followed the following methods to track progress of the playback. This is the way it is done in the ExoPlayer Google Docs. It works as needed.

Checkout in Google ExoPlayer repository

updateProgressBar() is the function to update the SeekBar progress:

private void updateProgressBar() {    long duration = player == null ? 0 : player.getDuration();    long position = player == null ? 0 : player.getCurrentPosition();    if (!dragging) {        mSeekBar.setProgress(progressBarValue(position));    }    long bufferedPosition = player == null ? 0 : player.getBufferedPosition();    mSeekBar.setSecondaryProgress(progressBarValue(bufferedPosition));    // Remove scheduled updates.    handler.removeCallbacks(updateProgressAction);    // Schedule an update if necessary.    int playbackState = player == null ? Player.STATE_IDLE : player.getPlaybackState();    if (playbackState != Player.STATE_IDLE && playbackState != Player.STATE_ENDED) {        long delayMs;        if (player.getPlayWhenReady() && playbackState == Player.STATE_READY) {            delayMs = 1000 - (position % 1000);            if (delayMs < 200) {                delayMs += 1000;            }        } else {            delayMs = 1000;        }        handler.postDelayed(updateProgressAction, delayMs);    }}private final Runnable updateProgressAction = new Runnable() {    @Override    public void run() {        updateProgressBar();    }};

We call updateProgressBar() within updateProgressAction repeatedly until the playback stops.The function is called the first time whenever there is a state change. We use removeCallbacks(Runnable runnable) so that there is always one updateProgressAction to care about.

@Overridepublic void onPlayerStateChanged(boolean playWhenReady, int playbackState) {  updateProgressBar();}

Hope this helps!

Just try this, its working for me :

handler = new Handler();runnable = new Runnable() {      @Override      public void run() {           progressbar.setProgress((int) ((exoPlayer.getCurrentPosition()*100)/exoPlayer.getDuration()));           handler.postDelayed(runnable, 1000);      }};handler.postDelayed(runnable, 0);


  • getCurrentPosition() : return The current playback position in milliseconds.
  • getDuration(): The duration of the track in millisecond.

I've found a pretty elegant solution using RxJava. This involves a polling pattern as well, but we make sure to use an interval to poll every 1 second.

public Observable<Long> playbackProgressObservable =                             Observable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS, AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())

The logic here is we create an Observable that will emit a sequential number every second. We then use the map operator to transform the number into the current playback position.

public Observable<Long> playbackProgressObservable =                         Observable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)                                  .map( { exoPlayer.getCurrentPosition() } );

To finally hooked this together, just call subscribe, ad the progress updates will be emitted every second:

playbackProgressObservable.subscribe( { progress -> // Update logic here } )

Note: Observable.interval runs on a default Scheduler of Schedulers.computation(). Therefore, you'll probably need to add an observeOn() operator to make sure the results are sent to the right thread.

playbackProgressObservable    .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())            .subscribe(progress -> {}) // Update logic here 

The above statement will give you a Disposable which must be disposed when you are done observing.You can do something like this ->

private var playbackDisposable: Disposable? = null       playbackDisposable = playbackProgressObservable        .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThead())                .subscribe(progress -> {}) // Update logic here

then to dispose the resource ->
