Android form validation UI library Android form validation UI library android android

Android form validation UI library

The pop-up effect you have shown on your screenshot can be achieved using Android's built-in setError(String) method on EditText widgets.

Also, you can leverage the power of annotations using the Android Saripaar library that I've authored.

first add the library:

compile 'com.mobsandgeeks:android-saripaar:2.0.2'

The library is very simple to use. In your activity annotate the View references you would like to validate as in the following example.

@Order(1)private EditText fieldEditText;@Order(2)@Checked(message = "You must agree to the terms.")private CheckBox iAgreeCheckBox;@Order(3)@Length(min = 3, message = "Enter atleast 3 characters.")@Pattern(regex = "[A-Za-z]+", message = "Should contain only alphabets")private TextView regexTextView;@Order(4)@Password(min = 6, scheme = Password.Scheme.ALPHA_NUMERIC_MIXED_CASE_SYMBOLS)private EditText passwordEditText;@Order(5)@ConfirmPasswordprivate EditText confirmPasswordEditText;

The order attribute specifies the order in which the fields have to be validated.

In your onCreate() method instantiate a new Validator object. and call validator.validate() inside any of your event listeners.

You'll receive callbacks on onSuccess and onFailure methods of the ValidationListener.

If you want to show a pop-up as show in the image above then do the following,

public void onValidationFailed(View failedView, Rule<?> failedRule) {    if (failedView instanceof Checkable) {        Toast.makeText(this, failedRule.getFailureMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();    } else if (failedView instanceof TextView) {        TextView view = (TextView) failedView;        view.requestFocus();        view.setError(failedRule.getFailureMessage());    }}

Hope that helps.

Android has extremely easy-to-use built-in validation mechanism which is great enough. See the following link: