Android Google Sign In is flashing a small empty white box while signing in a user Android Google Sign In is flashing a small empty white box while signing in a user android android

Android Google Sign In is flashing a small empty white box while signing in a user

Try this not sure:It is nothing but just a label you have applied to that activity in manifest, remove this from that activity


OR check you layout file does there exist some empty view which is getting visible.Thank you.

i think you haven't add

apply plugin: ''

outside the dependency section.also add classpath in project level gradle file

classpath ''

update the google play services ,Android platform tools and android build tools.sometimes it happens due to the version conflicttry this,but i'm not sure about this

I guess you have used Button view in XML and then you are casting to , due to his empty box is shown for while. Try changing XML view to .