Android Gradle Implementation vs CompileOnly Performance Android Gradle Implementation vs CompileOnly Performance android android

Android Gradle Implementation vs CompileOnly Performance

The api configuration should be used for dependencies that are exported to external modules (transitive dependency). Vice-Versa implementation configuration should be used for dependencies that are internal to the component (not transitive dependency).

implementation vs compileOnly:

There is no similarity in their job, compileOnly is

  • a configuration inherited from java-plugin
  • required at compile time
  • also not included in the runtime classpath or exposed to dependentprojects.

So compileOnly doesn't replace the implementation configuration job e.g:

implementation '' // can't use compileOnly heretestCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'compile "" // can't use here alsoannotationProcessor "" // can't use here alsocompileOnly 'javax.annotation:jsr250-api:1.0' // we can use compileOnly here because it's required on run time only.

Since your case is a "multi-module", you have to use the api configuration, until you reach the final module it's better to use implementation.

Following graph describe those configurations:

enter image description here


I think api requires more memory because gradle will snapshot every class in that transitive module, vice versa implementation is a preferred configuration because (as mentioned above) it's used for its own internal implementations.