Android: Horizontal list view in vertical scroll view? Android: Horizontal list view in vertical scroll view? android android

Android: Horizontal list view in vertical scroll view?

it's work on my app...

just like pulse app... horizontallistview inside vertical listview

this is the solution...

just put this code in u'r onscroll of HorizontalListview class...

ViewParent viewParent = getParent();if (viewParent != null) {    viewParent.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true);}

It would be much easier if you paste your piece of code with your question, allowing to see why it goes wrong. My best guess without this information is to check you usage of fill_parent vs wrap_content.

i think you should use some horizontal scrollviews in a vertical scrollview. and in each horizontal scrollview, you can give listview, gridview, etc... if you want. I think it's better solution for this problem. :)