Android: How to create a GridLayout [not GridView] programmatically? Android: How to create a GridLayout [not GridView] programmatically? android android

Android: How to create a GridLayout [not GridView] programmatically?

Here is how You can create it programmatically:

GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout(getContext());// Add TitleGridLayout.Spec titleTxtSpecColumn = GridLayout.spec(2, GridLayout.BASELINE);GridLayout.Spec titleRowSpec = GridLayout.spec(0);TextView titleText = new TextView(getContext());titleText.setText("Title");gridLayout.addView(titleText, new GridLayout.LayoutParams(titleRowSpec , titleTxtSpecColumn));

For more details see ApiDemos examples.

You should try this :


and if you want to give values...

LinearLayout.LayoutParams prmsLinLyt = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(90,100);where layout_width = 90and layout_height= 100