Android: How to disable debugging to upload the apk Android: How to disable debugging to upload the apk android android

Android: How to disable debugging to upload the apk

I found a solution in Android Studio, I go to "Build variants" and change it from debbug to release.

There's a debuggable property you can set in a build type in your build.gradle file; that will supersede any setting in your manifest. You haven't done anything there, have you? The debuggable property of your release build should already be false.

Which build are you trying to upload to Google Play? If you're uploading the debug build, then that's your problem -- upload the release build instead.

You should not use the debug as BuildVariant to sign and export your apk in Google Play.

You should use the Release BuildVariant.Gradle has some default values, as debuggable that you have to override in your build.gradle (these values override the properties in AndroidManifest).

Change your build.gradle, switch to Release as BuildVariant(on the left edge) and export your apk.

android {    signingConfigs {        release {            storeFile file("horoskopSms.jks")            storePassword "1q2w3e"            keyAlias "horoskopSms"            keyPassword "1q2w3e"        }   }}