Android image scale animation relative to center point Android image scale animation relative to center point android android

Android image scale animation relative to center point

50% is center of animated view.

50%p is center of parent

<scale    android:fromXScale="1.0"    android:toXScale="1.2"    android:fromYScale="1.0"    android:toYScale="1.2"    android:pivotX="50%"    android:pivotY="50%"    android:duration="175"/>

The answer provided by @stevanveltema and @JiangQi are perfect but if you want scaling using code, then you can use my answer.

// first 0f, 1f mean scaling from X-axis to X-axis, meaning scaling from 0-100%// first 0f, 1f mean scaling from Y-axis to Y-axis, meaning scaling from 0-100%// The two 0.5f mean animation will start from 50% of X-axis & 50% of Y-axis, i.e. from centerScaleAnimation fade_in =  new ScaleAnimation(0f, 1f, 0f, 1f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f);fade_in.setDuration(1000);     // animation duration in millisecondsfade_in.setFillAfter(true);    // If fillAfter is true, the transformation that this animation performed will persist when it is finished.view.startAnimation(fade_in);

Forget the additional translation, set android:pivotX, android:pivotY to half the width and height and it will scale from the center of the image.