Android invalid color state list tag gradient Android invalid color state list tag gradient android android

Android invalid color state list tag gradient

This is because you use a few attributes not supported prior to API level 24.

eg. startX, endX, startY, endY and offset.

Android Marshmallow 6.0 is API level 23 ...

That invalid color state list tag gradient is coming from the offset:

<item android:color="#FF2AF598" android:offset="0"/><item android:color="#FF009EFD" android:offset="1"/>

This issue most likely isn't LG specific, but Marshmallow specific.

Use app:srcCompat instead of src on the ImageView

In your app build.gradle write below code :

android.defaultConfig.vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = truedefaultConfig {    ...    vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true    ...}

Now you see it works.

The actual problem is with attributes you are defining like android:fillColorwhich expects to be a single value color and not a list of colors like gradient or color list. It works from API 24. My suggestion is to tell your designer to create exact logo for below 24 API

Refer to the link for more details