Android javax.annotation.processing Package missing Android javax.annotation.processing Package missing android android

Android javax.annotation.processing Package missing

The javax.annotation.processing package is not included in Android. You don't need to include this inside your compiled app module. You just need this dependency for your compiler/processor module during build time. Therefore, inside your app's build.gradle you should add the following after including your annotation processor:

provided 'org.glassfish:javax.annotation:10.0-b28'

There is a much easier way if you use Android Studio / Gradle.

I found the following looking through the answers of the question How do I add javax.annotation.Generated to Java SE 5?:

For a Gradle build the dependency should be

compile 'org.glassfish:javax.annotation:10.0-b28'

The javax.annotation.processing package is not included in Android, but the Android VM team describes how to include extra javax packages here - it might be applicable to your question.