Android - Key Dispatching Timed Out Android - Key Dispatching Timed Out android android

Android - Key Dispatching Timed Out

You must be as fast as possible in your onClick implementation. Expensive operations should be, in general, offloaded to a background thread.

In onClick, try:

Thread t = new Thread(){    public void run(){        your_stuff();    }};t.start();

instead of just


You can encounter this error when you block the main thread (a.k.a. the UI thread) for a few seconds. Expensive operations should be, in general, offloaded to a background thread. AsyncTask is very helpful in these cases.

In your case you could do the following:

new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() {    @Override    protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {        try {            serviceBinder.endCall(lineId);        } catch (RemoteException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }     }}.execute();

Do your long Operation in a seperate thread or use AsyncTask to get rid of ANR.

An ANR(Activity Not Responding) happens when some long operation takes place in the "main" thread. This is the event loop thread, and if it is busy, Android cannot process any further GUI events in the application, and thus throws up an ANR dialog.

Your activity took to long to say to the Android OS 'hey i'm still alive'! (This is what the UI thread does).

Basically if you make the UI thread do some complex task it's too busy doing your task to tell the OS that it is still 'alive'.

You should move your XML Parsing code to another thread, then use a callback to tell the UI thread you have finished and to do something with the result.

Detecting where ANRs happen is easy if it is a permanent block (deadlock acquiring some locks for instance), but harder if it's just a temporary delay. First, go over your code and look for vunerable spots and long running operations. Examples may include using sockets, locks, thread sleeps, and other blocking operations from within the event thread. You should make sure these all happen in separate threads. If nothing seems the problem, use DDMS and enable the thread view. This shows all the threads in your application similar to the trace you have. Reproduce the ANR, and refresh the main thread at the same time. That should show you precisely whats going on at the time of the ANR

If Logcat doesn't output anything usefull, try to pull traces.txt from /data/anr/traces.txt

adb pull /data/anr/traces.txt .

as it may give more information on where the ANR Exception occurrred

And this link may also helpful for creating AsyncTask and Threads