Android LinearLayout : Add border with shadow around a LinearLayout Android LinearLayout : Add border with shadow around a LinearLayout android android

Android LinearLayout : Add border with shadow around a LinearLayout

Try this..

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><layer-list xmlns:android="">    <item>        <shape android:shape="rectangle">            <solid android:color="#CABBBBBB"/>            <corners android:radius="2dp" />        </shape>    </item>    <item        android:left="0dp"        android:right="0dp"        android:top="0dp"        android:bottom="2dp">        <shape android:shape="rectangle">            <solid android:color="@android:color/white"/>            <corners android:radius="2dp" />        </shape>    </item></layer-list>

That's why CardView exists. CardView | Android Developers
It's just a FrameLayout that supports elevation in pre-lollipop devices.

<    xmlns:app=""    android:layout_width="match_parent"    android:layout_height="match_parent"    app:cardUseCompatPadding="true"    app:cardElevation="4dp"    app:cardCornerRadius="3dp" >    <!-- put whatever you want --></>

To use this you need to add dependency to build.gradle:

compile ''

I get the best looking results by using a 9 patch graphic.

You can simply create an individual 9 patch graphic by using the following editor:


The 9 patch graphic:

The 9 patch graphic:

The result:

enter image description here

The source:
