Android Live Wallpapers -- OpenGL vs Canvas Android Live Wallpapers -- OpenGL vs Canvas android android

Android Live Wallpapers -- OpenGL vs Canvas

If you can get away with just drawing to a canvas (e.g. cube example in SDK), that's much less work. Because of the simplicity of the animation (no bitmaps), the cube is able to achieve a high frame rate without difficulty.

If you want to use OpenGL, you will need to use a supplemental package, such as GLWallpaperService, AndEngine, or RenderScript.

Browse the Android source code to see how the stock wallpapers (e.g. Grass, Galaxy) are implemented using RenderScript. This link may work, but no guarantees: (then scroll down to the wallpapers)

Moonblink has discontinued his project, but if you're really keen, you can try researching his work (Substrate) starting here:

I ended up using OpenGL as halfway through the project, canvas drawing proved to be too slow for what I was trying to achieve. Using OpenGL caused a massive performance boost. Unfortunately I had to refactor my code, so I would reccomend using OpenGL from the start. Dirty rendering is supported by OpenGL as well as the wallpaperservice's structure doesn't rely on the way you render things so you would still be able to create a wallpaper that doesn't drain the battery. Actually a well programmed wallpaper doesn't render when it's hidden. As the wallpapers shipped with android don't follow that pattern, live wallpapers now have the bad name of being battery suckers. Really a shame..