Android M Permissions: onRequestPermissionsResult() not being called Android M Permissions: onRequestPermissionsResult() not being called android android

Android M Permissions: onRequestPermissionsResult() not being called

I ran into the same issue and I just found the solution. When using the Support library, you have to use the correct method calls. For example:

  • When in AppCompatActivity, you should use ActivityCompat.requestPermissions;
  • When in, you should use simply requestPermissions (this is an instance method of

If you call ActivityCompat.requestPermissions in a fragment, the onRequestPermissionsResult callback is called on the activity and not the fragment.

Hope this helps!

You can try this:

requestPermissions(permissions, PERMISSIONS_CODE);

If you are calling this code from a fragment it has it's own requestPermissions method. I believe the problem is that you are calling static method.

Pro Tip if you want the onRequestPermissionsResult() in a fragment:FragmentCompat.requestPermissions(Fragment fragment, String[] permissions, int requestCode)

I hope it works fine

For Activity :


For Fragment :
