Android ndk std::to_string support Android ndk std::to_string support android android

Android ndk std::to_string support

You can try LOCAL_CFLAGS := -std=c++11, but note that not all C++11 APIs are available with the NDK's gnustl. Full C++14 support is available with libc++ (APP_STL := c++_shared).

The alternative is to implement it yourself.

#include <string>#include <sstream>template <typename T>std::string to_string(T value){    std::ostringstream os ;    os << value ;    return os.str() ;}int main(){    std::string perfect = to_string(5) ;}

With NDK r9+ you can use llvm-libc++ which offers full support for cpp11.

In your you have to add:





If you looking for solution for Gradle build system. Look at this answer.

Short answer.

Add the string

arguments "-DANDROID_STL=c++_shared"

in your build.gradle. Like

android {  ...  defaultConfig {    ...    externalNativeBuild {      cmake {        ...        arguments "-DANDROID_STL=c++_shared"      }    }  }  ...}