Android notification large icon, is there a way to remove the smaller icon on the bottom right? Android notification large icon, is there a way to remove the smaller icon on the bottom right? android android

Android notification large icon, is there a way to remove the smaller icon on the bottom right?

Add this code after you build the notification.

   if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {        int smallIconViewId = getResources().getIdentifier("right_icon", "id", android.R.class.getPackage().getName());        if (smallIconViewId != 0) {            if (notif.contentIntent != null)                notif.contentView.setViewVisibility(smallIconViewId, View.INVISIBLE);            if (notif.headsUpContentView != null)                notif.headsUpContentView.setViewVisibility(smallIconViewId, View.INVISIBLE);            if (notif.bigContentView != null)                notif.bigContentView.setViewVisibility(smallIconViewId, View.INVISIBLE);        }    }

where "notif" is your built notification,

There is only one way:Use your custom layout

Your question is probable a duplicate of NotificationCompat 4.1 SetSmallIcon and SetLargeIcon

Use only setSmallIcon for Your icon. It will be also used for largeIcon if second wasn't specified (just make sure it is big enough to fit both).

Make sure that it looks good on pre-lolipop, lolipop and above. For example here I do set application icon only for pre-lolipop devices, where lolipop and above are getting different smallIcon and same largeIcon as smallIcon.

int currentApiVersion = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;if (currentApiVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {    notificationBuilder        .setSmallIcon(smallIcon)        .setLargeIcon(appIconDrawable)} else {    notificationBuilder.setSmallIcon(appIconDrawable);}