Android P - 'SQLite: No Such Table Error' after copying database from assets Android P - 'SQLite: No Such Table Error' after copying database from assets android android

Android P - 'SQLite: No Such Table Error' after copying database from assets

Was having a similar issue, and solved this adding this to my SQLiteOpenHelper

    @Override    public void onOpen(SQLiteDatabase db) {        super.onOpen(db);        db.disableWriteAheadLogging();    }

Apparently Android P sets the PRAGMA Log thing different. Still no idea if will have side effects, but seems to be working!

My issues with Android P got solved by adding 'this.close()' after this.getReadableDatabase() in createDataBase() method as below.

private void createDataBase() throws IOException {    this.getReadableDatabase();    this.close();     try {                   copyDataBase();                } catch (IOException e) {                   throw new RuntimeException(e);    }}

This issue seems to lead to a crash much more often on Android P than on previous versions, but it's not a bug on Android P itself.

The problem is that your line where you assign the value to your String filePath opens a connection to the database that remains open when you copy the file from assets.

To fix the problem, replace the line

String filePath = mContext.getDatabasePath(Utils.getDatabaseName()).getAbsolutePath();

with code to get the file path value and then close the database:

MySQLiteOpenHelper helper = new MySQLiteOpenHelper();SQLiteDatabase database = helper.getReadableDatabase();String filePath = database.getPath();database.close();

And also add an inner helper class:

class MySQLiteOpenHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {    MySQLiteOpenHelper(Context context, String databaseName) {        super(context, databaseName, null, 2);    }    @Override    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {    }    @Override    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {    }}