Android PopupWindow with Tooltip Arrow Android PopupWindow with Tooltip Arrow android android

Android PopupWindow with Tooltip Arrow

There are many libraries and codes available into Market. Links are given below:

This is the QuickAction UI pattern. Take a look at:

  1. QuickAction-Dialog

  2. Quick-action-pattern-in-Android

  3. Chrome Style Help Popups

Another alternative would be "super-tooltips":

Here's a demo of it:

From that first link/example looks like below image.These are just demos, but you can customize as per your requirement.

enter image description here

If you are looking for a simple library, I created one based on PopupWindow.


You can simply use PopupWindow with view with vector background:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><vector xmlns:android=""    android:width="24dp"    android:height="20dp"    android:viewportHeight="162"    android:viewportWidth="196">    <path        android:fillColor="@color/black"        android:pathData="M0 26.9917C0 12.0846 12.09433 0 26.99583 0L169.0042 0C183.9136 0 196 12.09104 196 26.9917L196 100.0083C196 114.9154 183.9057 127 169.0042 127L124 127L98.5 162L73 127L26.99583 127C12.08644 127 0 114.909 0 100.0083L0 26.9917" /></vector>