Android - Proguard didn't compile with Joda Time jar file Android - Proguard didn't compile with Joda Time jar file android android

Android - Proguard didn't compile with Joda Time jar file

If the missing classes aren't needed, you can suppress the warnings:

-dontwarn org.joda.convert.**

See the ProGuard manual > Troubleshooting > Warning: can't find referenced class

Based on the post here:

What is actually happening is that the missing "FromString" class is an annotation that is not actually present as a class file in joda-time-2.0.jar. There's a claim ( that a missing annotation class file is not supposed to affect compilation, which sounds correct, but I don't know where this is formally stated.

You'll need to add to your project's build path.

I fixed it by adding the following to my build.gradle > dependencies block:

dependencies {    implementation group: 'org.joda', name: 'joda-convert', version: '2.0.1', classifier: 'classic'    implementation 'joda-time:joda-time:2.9.4'}