Android "Screen Overlay Detected" message if user is trying to grant a permission when a notification is showing Android "Screen Overlay Detected" message if user is trying to grant a permission when a notification is showing android android

Android "Screen Overlay Detected" message if user is trying to grant a permission when a notification is showing

In the circumstance that I ran across, I was causing the problem myself. It was the result of using a Toast to display information to the user at the same time that I was asking for permission. Both of these actions together cause this type of error.

The other answers might resolve someone else's issue. But I wanted to note that you should be cautious of causing your own overlays errors. Be careful of overlaying something in the view while simultaneously asking for permission.

Uninstall Clean Master app. I uninstalled it and problem solved

This problem appear because of some culprit application like Twilight, cleaner-master, drupe etc..

To solve this problem you have to disable screen overlay for those culprit apps.

i have moto g4 plus, and this is how i solve this problem

Go to Setting --> Select Apps ---> again select setting icon in Apps ---> select draw over other apps ---> and disable culprit apps who trouble for other apps.

what i done is checking each apps by disabling this permission and try to run my app, and i found one app this troubling overlay for other apps, so at the end i disabled only this app.


Select Apps select configure setting

select draw over other appsdisable culprit apps