Android: String format with Double value Android: String format with Double value android android

Android: String format with Double value

%.0f is the format string for a float, with 0 decimal places.

The values you're passing to String.format are String, String when it needs to be Double, Double.

You do not need to convert the doubles to strings.

String headerText = String.format("%.0f kg / %.0f lbs", dWeightInKg, dWeightInLbs);

This should work,

DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");private String convertToFormat(double value){    return df.format(value);}

You don't need the Double.ToString() since your formatter is already expecting a number. Try this:

String headerText = String.format("%.0f kg / %.0f lbs", dWeightInKg , dWeightInLbs);