android studio 2.2 layout editor refresh button android studio 2.2 layout editor refresh button android android

android studio 2.2 layout editor refresh button

It's pretty simple to refresh.

Click on the preview screen, make sure that the preview window has the focus, and press R. It should display the progress in the top-right corner while refreshing.

If it doesn't work for any reason, switch to the design tab and press R. It refreshes the layout instantly.

I think it is a small bug, but I find a hack solution to resolve the problem.

You can change a resource id to a wrong name. For example, you have a resource named ic_launcher. When you input ic_launcher1, you can find the interface like this:

sample screenshot

Next, click the refresh link (sometimes, it says 'clear cache').

I tried changing the orientation, but it does not work when I replace an existing image file.

Toggle the Orientation button in Editor, it is refreshing the changes.