Android Studio Gradle: Please remove usages of `jcenter()` Maven repository from your build scripts / JCenter is at end of life Android Studio Gradle: Please remove usages of `jcenter()` Maven repository from your build scripts / JCenter is at end of life android android

Android Studio Gradle: Please remove usages of `jcenter()` Maven repository from your build scripts / JCenter is at end of life

Move mavenCentral() above jcenter().

do a clean/build on your project.

comment out jcenter()

By moving mavenCentral() above jcenter(), mavenCentral() now becomes the primary repository for all non Google artifacts. By doing a clean and build, all artifacts are now moved to mavenCentral().

I had to look this up and tried it. I went from all heck breaking loose after I removed jcenter() to being able to build my final project for school again.

For koin, change the group id from org.koin to io.insert-koin - the latter is published on maven central.

For chartboost, you can use the following repo:

maven {    url ""}

Also note that there are newer versions such as koin 2.2.2 / 3.0.1 and chartboost Older versions are likely not republished in non-jcenter repos.

mvnrepository is a good service for locating packages.

just commenting out jcenter() will help,mavencentral() is already above jcenter.