Android text style missing light, medium, thin, Android text style missing light, medium, thin, android android

Android text style missing light, medium, thin,

This is font specific. Not all fonts have a light, medium, thin attribute/style, but the default font should. You can use the default light font by using fontFamily: sans-serif-light or for thin, fontFamily: sans-serif-thin.

For custom fonts, you would need to include the light version of the font and use it.

Letter Spacing

As an adjacent solution to change a font's looks, you could use letterSpacing. This will change the distance between the letters within a TextView.

A positive number like 0.2 will add more of a gap, while negative like -0.1 will squish the letters together.

In Android 21+ you can programmatically call setLetterSpacing or in XML add letterSpacing.

You can only combine those three attributes :

  • normal
  • bold
  • italic

So it can be :

  • normal
  • bold
  • italic
  • bold | italic