Android : Typeface is changed when i apply password Type on EditText Android : Typeface is changed when i apply password Type on EditText android android

Android : Typeface is changed when i apply password Type on EditText

The following might solve it for you.


Essentially it just passes the Typeface of your username field and passes it as the Typeface for your password field.

I found an explanation of this in the Dialogs API Guide.

Tip: By default, when you set an EditText element to use the "textPassword" input type, the font family is set to monospace, so you should change its font family to "sans-serif" so that both text fields use a matching font style.

In otherwords, a fix that can be done in XML would be as follows:

<EditText    android:id="@+id/password"    android:inputType="textPassword"    android:layout_width="match_parent"    android:layout_height="wrap_content"    android:fontFamily="sans-serif"    android:hint="@string/password"/>

For some reason I didn't have to set the transformation method so this may be a better solution.In MyActivity:

  EditText editText_password = findViewById(;    editText_password.setTransformationMethod(new PasswordTransformationMethod());

you can use android:hit, and setHitColor in your activity, it will not affect the normal input