Android Wear notification prevent blinking icon when updating Android Wear notification prevent blinking icon when updating android android

Android Wear notification prevent blinking icon when updating


NotificationManager notifyMgr =     ((NotificationManager)getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE));


NotificationManagerCompat notifyMgr =    NotificationManagerCompat.from(this);

More informations:

You also making a lot of updates. Every update is send via bluetooth to Wear. You should create self-install app to Android Wear. The delay of sending is about 3 seconds.

I solved this problem a while back when I was working with Android Wear but the code in unfortunately gone. Anyway, what I did was to not BUILD the notification every time I wanted to update it, I just tagged the notification the first time I created it and then I retrieved it with the TAG and made my changes directly to that object. That completely stopped the flickering...