Android Web App : Position:fixed broken? Android Web App : Position:fixed broken? android android

Android Web App : Position:fixed broken?

On my Android N1 with CyanogenMod i had this trouble too and the fix:

   <meta     name="viewport"     content="width=100%,     initial-scale=1,     maximum-scale=1,     minimum-scale=1,     user-scalable=no"/>

Specifically the user-scalable=no; part, you can also put 0 instead of no.

Interestingly this breaks androids rendering of buttons, but all you have to do is set a background color to buttons.

Just add:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no" />

to the page and you're set for Android 2.2+. This worked on a page I was testing on my phone. Source: When can I use CSS position:fixed?