Android x86 porting, unable to make it work Android x86 porting, unable to make it work android android

Android x86 porting, unable to make it work

I solved the problem. This is what I do to get internet connection.

In my case, the gateway address was and the DNS server was select an IP address for the VirtualBox host from the unused ones (

1) First of all, I set my VirtualBox network configuration:

Attached to: Bridged Adapter

Adapter type: PCnet-FAST III

2) After that, I start Android from VirtualBox; after boot, I open a root shell, pressing Alt+F1

3) Here, I use these commands:

ifconfig eth0 up add default gw dev eth0setprop net.dns1

4) Now, I return to Android (Alt + F7), and I can surf on internet!

Unfortunately, this process must be followed each time you start Android

In order to obtain gateway and DNS IP addresses, from Windows you can use this command

ipconfig /all

You must refer to your network card

After some research, I found simplest way to solve this! The Key is dhcpcd and dns setting.

  1. Config VirutalBox network card as Bridged Adapter. Adapter type: PCnet-FAST III(Maybe other type is ok, i did not test)

  2. Start Android from VirtualBox; after boot, open a root shell by pressing Alt+F1, type following command:

  3. Type following command to set DNS server:

    setprop net.dns1 yourDnsServerIp


This worked for me:

attached to: NATPCnet-Fast III
  1. press ctrl-f1
  2. type dhcpcd eth0
  3. type setprop net.dns1 [your DNS for your internet provider] mine is
  4. press ctrl-f7 to go back to GUI