APK injection, recompiling android manifest APK injection, recompiling android manifest android android

APK injection, recompiling android manifest

Installation can give parse error on following condition, see if any met with you -

  • Name of the package is changed after signing: Use the exact name asthe signed package is (instead, adjust the name in Manifest)
  • Package.is compiled against on higher API level: Correct the API level inManifest file.
  • Package is executed from SD-card: Run (install) the apk-file from phones memory OR use adb command to install it.

You can manually sign your apk as given here.

The only reliable way I found to repackage the application with plain text androiod manifest is by repacking it using aapt directly.

aapt package -f -M ./AndroidManifest.xml -S res1/ -S res2/ ... -I android.jar -F MyProject.apk.unaligned

To create the apk, and then :

aapt add -f MyProject.apk.unaligned classes.dex

To add compiled sources to the package.

Then using jarsigner to sign the package:

jarsigner -storepass <keystore password> -keystore <keystore filename> MyProject.apk.unaligned <key name>

I also experienced similar problems, but I had luck with Easy APK tool.

I opened the app, then navigated to options -> apktool and checked don't decode classes.dex. Then I was able to successfully recompile the app.

The other alternative is using aapt, as Ben already said, but it requires significantly more knowledge/effort.