App crashes when i apply crashlytics on it App crashes when i apply crashlytics on it android android

App crashes when i apply crashlytics on it

I was facing the same issue, is related to the 64k limit "multidex".

I was using multiDexEnabled true property in build.gradle in defaultConfig block, under android one.

As stated in Google documentation

for devices with Android API prior to 21, we need to include the multidex library (implementation '')

and extend MultiDexApplication in our Application class

I have solved this problem by doing the following:

In the Application class:

@Overridepublic void attachBaseContext(Context base) {    super.attachBaseContext(base);    try {        MultiDex.install(this);    } catch (RuntimeException multiDexException) {        multiDexException.printStackTrace();    }}

We were having the same issue, and disabling instant run in Android Studio seemed to get it working.

On macAndroid Studio Settings or Preferences -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Instant Run.